Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Two - Determination on Life's Road: 15-18



I said before that writing is a good therapy. It is also a good outlet. Why do I say that? Because, I’ve asked for a copy of my first book. From there, I began to write. So I started book two. I had mentioned also that I thought to write in other areas as well.  I just don’t know where to start from.

I decided to write a story on lives of each  of the ten Great American Women. When doing that, I believe I will learn how they got started and what really brought them as far as they have come. That’s speaking of Harriet Tubman, Louisa May Alcott and the other women --what they dealt with and how they handled situations. There also may be others I will want to write about as well as continuing my story. There will be lot of writing but I believe I will learn at the same time.                   

I have thought of doing a story from scratch. I’m just not sure how to start with that or about what to write. I’ll find out if that’s an area for me to get into or not sometime. So with that in mind, I have some goals to work for.  That means I need to keep myself in good shape - -physically and spiritually. I have a lot I hope to accomplish. It’s a good way to enrich my mind for discussing  when talking to others. I also will have my cards to do. Yes! I aim to move on with my life.

Pastor Comings mentioned last night to get acquainted with another person to let them know or be aware that I am as there as a friend. I’m there to find same interests in line of conversation.  I think, I am or trying to do that with more than one person. Our times are not always that convenient all the time. I do try to keep in touch with a phone call or card.

By the way ! I just heard Ice Skater’s Waltz on my CD. It’s my most favorite classical music. I play it a lot along with my other favorite classical and piano musicals.

So when spring comes or when it gets to be good enough to walk outside, I’ll go to the library and check books I have in mind-few at a time. Again I feel like I will be getting more education but free of charge, no deadlines, no tests to pass.   

I have in mind to get myself a small copier of my own. I won’t do it until I can afford one. With my own, I can make copies anytime of day. I don’t know if there is a small one. You can be sure of this. I will ask and check it out. If not, then I’ll go to Staples to do my copying. You might say I’m independent. I am as much as possible with what I have and can do.

You might also say I’m getting excited in all that I aim to do. I am, but I don’t expect anybody to be excited with me. I learned that long time ago. But that won’t stop me. I aim to do what I’m setting out to do what’s on my mind. I’m just as determined with that as I was and am with the chemo. In fact! I may not wait until spring to start my goal. I just may start sooner. It’ll be like a school of writing.  Only I won’t have tests to study for. So why wait? I may start this week - weather permitting like Wednesday the thirty-firsttof January ’07. Also! There won’t be any expense of books either. How about that?


It was a fairly good day. We went for lunch. Then Dad dropped me off at Staples on his way to play cards. I think I may have six or seven books by tomorrow. I have them all in sets of book fashion. I finished putting them together by nine tonight, I’m expecting to hand them out to friends - weather permitting tomorrow night.

I went to the library after I was done at Staples. I had to get a little help in finding these books I was looking for. Now maybe I think I’ll remember where to find the others the next time I’m there. After I finished more of my sets for my books, got ready for bed, I started on my research of Louisa May Alcott. I learned a little bit more about her and her life.

She took a liking to books even way back when she was little. When playing with books in the family room, her interest was captured by way of writing. In later years she wrote books.  She was in magazines and newspapers. With her writing, she managed to keep her family from starvation. Her father was not one who worked for a living. Then there was Harriet Tubman who was an escaped slave until in her twenties. She ran away for freedom then came back to bring her family and others out of slavery into freedom. I have eight more American Pioneer Women to write about as well as other people, items and even places I want to zero in on. Right now though, I’ve come to a standstill until I get a few other books from the library.                             

I just happened to think of something! I was looking for one book in my collection of books and I found one on flags. I think I will work on that subject this afternoon.        


My brain is really working tonight - jumping from one thing to another. I went for my big blood work. That refers to my red and white count, platelets and cancer count and whatever else that has to do with my cancer count. I haven’t been worrying - just wondering where they all are at. I’ll just have to wait until I see Dr. Musa the nineteenth of Feb
Today I went to see Dr. El-Saan. I gave him a book. I promised him a copy when he gave me permission to use his name in my story. I’m glad I could keep that promise to give that to him and to Dr. Musa. They both seemed pleased to get a copy.
I hope and aim to continue to write. I have a lot of writing in store for me to do.  Nice part of it is I have all the time I need [Lord willing] and no dead lines. I just need to remind myself of that when I’m inclined to put myself on schedule. Another good thing is that once I’ve written it and have the way I want it, I can go to Staples to get my copies made.
As I said before, I had an appointment with Dr. El-Saan. He went over his paper work, ran a scan over both kidneys. The right one was fine - thank goodness! He did tell me my stent needs to be changed. I’m having that done on March the fourteenth. When the nurse gets it all finalized, she’ll send it to me in the mail. In the meantime, Dad took me  over to get my drink at the hospital. I have to drink the whole bottle an hour before I have the CAT scan Thursday morning.

I hope Dr. Musa gets the report of the CAT scan and the blood work before I see him. I also hope I get all the details of the surgery in regard to the stent before I see Dr. Musa. Maybe he’ll get the scoop from Dr. El-Saan before I see him. For now it is the wait and seeing game so to speak. I’ll just keep busier to make time go fast until I find out what I’m to know. Today was the sixth. It is 10:00 pm. I just felt like writing some more on this book. Now I will read until I’m ready to fall asleep.  

[Editor's Note: If memory serves me well, this would be about the first time that the word "anymore," as a sense of personal limitation, makes an appearance in Jeanette's books. I mention that because we all observed and tried to know how to respond in the latter days of Jeanette's illness when more and more things passed into the realm of "anymore." No more solid foods - anymore; no more walking without help "anymore." It was a learning experience for us, and Jeanette was a good teacher.]

I came to conclusions with a few things. One thing is when I have six sets of copies in my bag. It doesn’t do any good to add three library books to the load. They make the bag heavier and not helping my back at all. So no library books with five or six sets in my  bag anymore.

I tripped in my bedroom one day while changing my bed. How? I really don’t know for sure. It might’ve been the corner of bedspread as I was putting that back on my bed. I fell k-splat, going front wards. My back didn’t hurt then as usual but is beginning to hurt at times now.

I went for my CAT scan this morning. The veins in my arm weren’t cooperating too well. They had to try three times before they got the IV in to put the medicine in. I told them to go ahead. I knew they had to do what they had to do. In the meantime, when I was drinking this big bottle of grape stuff, I was reading the label on it. Believe it or not, I just noticed [yes - after all these times] the possibilities of side effects. They were vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, etc. I was to drink two big glasses of water to wash this stuff out of my system. I was busy in the bathroom But, I was glad it was that and not the vomiting. Or I would’ve had to have gone to the hospital to the Emergency Room to get my cortef back into me.

I got the paper work in the mail today from Dr.  El-Sann’s office. My appointment is all spread out through the month of March. That is with the P.A. of medical history, pre-testing, surgery and appointment with Dr. El-Saan.

I wonder what Dr. Musa has to tell me. I’ll have little news for him as well. I was going to work on putting some books together when I came home from Dad’s at eight. When I got home, I felt done in so decided to get ready for bed. So instead of the books, I decided to write. The books will wait until I get to them.

I need to make a few valentine cards for two friends.. We’re planning to get together tomorrow night – weather permitting. We have a birthday to celebrate. I decided to give them their valentine cards early.

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