Sunday, November 28, 2010

Book One - The Potter and the Clay: 1

Chapter One
The Potter and the Clay

            This story is to only show how the Lord has worked and still working in my life. I was born on November 2, 1941. I lived in my Grandparent Nelson’s house. They lived in one half of the house and my parents in the other half..
            When I had not walked by age of two, my parents took me to the doctor. Then I was sent to a hospital in Binghamton. It was there that the specialist diagnosed my condition as cerebral  palsy. The effects were speech and muscular coordination.
            I had cross bars between my feet at night and I was carried during the day until I was seven. Physical therapy paid off eventually and I managed to walk with the aid of orthopedic shoes. I thought at the time that they were the most ugliest shoes. Believe it or not! I’ve gone back to tied shoes for support.
            I didn’t have the balance or ability I needed to do things like skiing, skating or riding a two wheel bike. I didn’t need them. I was teased about my height. That was minor considering I was able to get around and am walking. I believe that was a miracle done only by the will of God.
            When I started school at age of 8, I had a teacher who thought I should go to a state institution. She didn’t think I could learn to do anything. My parents kept me home and in our school. They gave me the support and guidance with love through my growing up years.
            I remember when four of us were really young, she would spend time reading us Bible stories, asking us questions afterwards and teaching us to learn books of the Bible, in many other areas.
            We grew up going to church for each service, Sunday School and VB S. We would have special speakers and missionaries in our home.
            I was slow in learning in our school. but because of my age, I was moved up to each grade each year. I had the same teacher in sixth grade that I had in kindergarten. I had her for 3 years.
            Our many needs were met. We didn’t have allowances but were given money for special occasions.
            When I was 10 years old, I joined the 4-H CLUB. We learned to do things, had different outings. I was a president once and another time a news reporter.
            When I was 15 years old, we were at church one night. When the evangelist was done, I was asked if I was ready when the Lord comes. I said no. So I was led by the Evangelist’s wife. I accepted Jesus. I was slow in learning what I should be. I’m still growing in that aspect.
            Spelling and English came easy to me. I was the spelling champion in our class so was sent to another contest. I didn’t win that one. I was given a certificate when school ended that year.
            I also was moved to the seventh grade. The seventh and eighth grade gave me 2 best years of my school life. When it came time to plan for the next 4 years, I was told to meet with the guidance counselor. He told me I had trouble with math. I was thinking-where have you been?                                                                     
            I was to go to a special class for Junior High. I went but I really didn’t get help in math. It really wasn’t a classroom like I expected. The kids wanted recess and had it twice every day. I felt like saying-grow up! I stayed in most of the time to do some kind of school work.
            Then this teacher I had in sixth grade was there as a Grade School Superintendent. She came over and had our class come to an elementary doing. I felt like ringing her neck.
            One day I told the teacher I wanted to get somewhere in my life, to accomplish something. Later on he asked me if I’d like Nurse’s AID TRAINING. I didn’t know then what I know about that now.
            I went for the interview, got myself all excited about it, didn’t go back to the class, expecting to get into the Nurse’s AID PROGRAM. I didn’t get in though. I received a letter with a suggestion to get another job.
            I wasn’t expecting that answer and was deeply disappointed. I was home for awhile, driving myself nuts, probably Mom and Dad too. I hate to say but bitterness and envy crept in.
            I went to do 2 lady sitting jobs but have to say I was homesick and I still wanted to go back to my own school. While I was still in South Otselic, I met this family.
            After I was home for awhile, I had an invitation to come and spend some time with this family. I eventually worked for them. Away went the homesickness and idea of school.
            After this lady had her surgery, she told me she needed to get back to her work. So I went home . But after New YEAR’S, I got a call to work for another lady in the same area. I was there until May
            A month later, I answered an ad from Oxford. I worked for her for 2 months then was told she needed someone who could handle her boys.
            In September I was asked if I would work for a sister of a lady I worked for earlier. This lady was moving to Syracuse with 2 kids.
            I went home in October. That was the end of my night classes. She helped me get into it in regard to my G.E D.
            In December towards Christmas time, I got a call from this lady in Oxford. She and her family were moving to Norwich. I took the job. Why? I don’t know. I soon learned that wasn’t the job for me. There were many times I couldn’t please her. I tried but it did no good. I finally had a break.
            My sister Dottie was graduating from Nurse’s Training. I went home for that and never went back. That was especially after I told Mom about an ash tray being thrown at me.
            I was home until September. This ad was from a handicapped lady in a wheel chair. Guess What! That worked! I learned a lot from her. One thing she told me stuck with me. It isn’t how important job is that matters, but how well you do it and with a good attitude behind it.
            Another thing was important. To accept things you can not change, courage to change things you can and wisdom to know the difference.
          She had battles in her life too. The set up for me to work for her and be her legs was this. If her mother went to a nursing home or passed away, then she couldn’t pay me.
            She and I had some good talks. I watched her doing things, taking care of her mother. She also was a Christian.
            Now I am satisfied with work I have done. I didn’t care anymore for high fluting careers / jobs. They wouldn’t be for me. Her mother did go to a nursing home in January of ’66. Her brother and sister wanted me to stay until spring. They paid me. I stayed until April.
            I came home but 2 weeks later, I had another job lined up for me. Because of few experiences I had, I would have butterflies in my stomach As I went to each job. No fear though!
            This lady needed someone to stay with her mother while she worked in the barn. She was good to work for also. One night Her mother had to go to the hospital. She had to have surgery. She didn’t get back home, so home I went.
            In June, a week before my sister Barb graduated from School, I had another job. This was in Whitney Point. She only needed someone at night. She spoiled me. When I was to go home at anytime, she would get someone  to stay with her at nights.
            I didn’t have to, but I did some work for her in the mornings. In the afternoons, I’d visit, read or paint. I went to the library often. I got acquainted with some people. I was there until November of ’67. She had to have surgery for veins in her legs. She didn’t make it thru surgery.
            In the meantime I heard about this shop in Cortland. It was for handicaps in degrees.  I also was told I could stay with this lady I worked for before. So I checked it out. I finally got hired towards end of June.
            I learned a lot of jobs. Some were challenging. In May of 1979, I got a chance to work in the Print Shop. I was to be the camera girl. I was to take an ad, card, whatever into the darkroom, take a shot, develop it in developer, hang it to dry. My boss was testy. I never  knew which way he would be thru the day.
            In Jan of 1980, I was beginning to have problems. My doctor took me off the pill that was regulating my periods because of my age. I was 39 then, In June I had to come back as follow up. I’d been to the Emergency Room Few days before then because I cut myself on the spam can.
            I told my doctor I hadn’t had any periods since January. He told me if  I hadn’t done anything by October or November to come back. I did come back but he was off. So I had a woman doctor. All I had to tell her was I hadn’t any periods since January.
            She said she was sending me to a oncologist and was making the appointment for me. I went to see him. He did a pap test, gave me some pills [which didn’t work] sent me for blood test then a cat scan. Not satisfied with either reading, he sent me to Crouse Irving to a Neurosurgeon in Syracuse.
            That doctor told me I had a pituitary tumor. I need to have it done or I could go blind. I was willing to go that day. I was to come in through after new years. I went in on New Year. I had the angiogram done the next day. That was Friday. Saturday I had the cat scan. That was when I was told I had the tumor between the two optic nerves. I had the surgery Monday Morning.    
            I didn’t zap out too good the night before. I was sitting up writing a thank you note for flowers I got. The nurse came in and gave me a shot to sleep. I learned the tumor was benign. I went back for visits with the doctor, had cat scans, had MRI for 2 or 3 times.
            In the meantime, my boss kept prodding me to take a job outside. I decided to do that one day. I surprised him when I gave him the news. A World Of Work GROUP was going on in the shop. I got in on it and learned how to go about a job.
            Eventually this boss got a little harder to work for. This lady who was in charge of this group felt better when I was able to get the job in the store. That was a step for those who considered stepping out.
            While working in the store, I learned to adjust to change in schedules. This lady and I agreed to go for the hospital in regard to transportation. In late October, she picked
me up for work. She was on her way to give my work record to the Director of food service. That was on Friday. Later in the day I got a call for an interview. That was to be on Monday morning.
            He was very good. I felt comfortable talking to him. Two days later I was hired. I had to do few things before I started like an examination, signing few papers. The next Monday was the day I was to start at 4 PM.
            Sometimes I have this inner conflict. I had to learn to accept myself and not let that conflict get in the way of what I want to do or need to do. I learned that Lord closes some doors and opened others. He has also opened the door for me to move in apartment building. I believe for me, that’s where He wants me to be. My rent is based on my income and there’s good security also
            He also worked things out for me to retire. When I decided to do so, the age to retire in ’96 was 55 but I was turning 56. I took it then as pushing carts and lifting heavy things was hard on my back and legs. I was there for 15 years. I did volunteer work which I was able to do. I learned a lot doing that and gained lot of friends.

Book One - The Potter and the Clay # 1: More opportunities
INDEX to Jeanette's World

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Book One - The Potter and the Clay: 1

Chapter One The Potter and the Clay             This story is to only show how the Lord has worked and still working in my life. I was...