Sunday, October 31, 2010

Book Three - Back on the Escalator: 1-3


I had just finished my second book. I’ve been thinking on how to start my third book. I just finished reading my Sunday School Paper. That was talking about fears of everything; the way things are going in our country, security of jobs, homes, family members, freedom and even our health.

I remember one night when Barb and I had just gone to bed. We were in the same room. It wasn’t long before she sat up gasping for breath. I called Mom. She came upstairs and brought Barb downstairs. Dad and Dottie had just got home from church. Mom had called the doctor’s office. [Back then the doctor’s office had evening hours]. Mom and Dad had to take Barb to Cincinnatus to the doctor’s office. Barb had to sip water until she got there. Then when she got there, she was taken in the ambulance to the hospital here in Cortland. I was scared with her and for her.

Another time was when Barb and I took the swing down from the tree. She got into the swing and I pushed her around and around. Suddenly I slipped and fell. I landed in a position where a rusty nail went into my arm a little ways  from my wrist. Barb was calling Mom on her way into the house. By the time they both came out, I somehow got the nail out of my arm. Strange thing about it was that it wasn’t bleeding. Mom asked if I was feeling sick, which I wasn’t nor did I remember it hurting. She called the doctor’s office to find out what she should do. He said to bring me in. Mom and Dad took me after the chores. I got a tetanus shot. You can guess where. Then I WAS hurting afterwards     

As I got somewhat older, I had other fears like getting lost going over big bridges and thunderstorms. Eventually I got used to the storms except when they were sassy.

Five years and ten months ago when I was diagnosed with cancer, I had surgery mostly to get rid of the fluid as well as other things. A few weeks later I started my first chemo. My fears left me in regard to being sick, once I found out how the chemo worked. I had an infection a few days later and had it taken care of. ThenI continued on with my chemo. I’ve had questions and concerns which I shared with my doctors and chemo nurse. I discovered after having read up on things in regard to my cancer, I have learned quite a bit. The more I read and then had answers confirmed when asking questions pertaining to them, I began to understand more about my situation.

When I get overly concerned, I have only to remind myself that God is in control. He watches over sparrows. He watches over you and me more so. Therefore, in midst of turmoil, concerns and fears; He is with us. He knows all things. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He loves us. He wants us to cast all our cares on Him and trust Him.



I use to hate doings things over again. Now I find myself doing that again and again. That comes especially with my stories. Since I had the computer, I found myself doing that more so. Each time I work on it, I try to improve on my margins. Tonight I finally was able to do it.

I was shown after church how to do the margins. I worked on a story after I came home from church. My margins were lot better. I felt better about it. Now, believe it or not, I’m going to do all my stories over again.

I was  talking to my sister Dottie tonight. From what I understand, Jerry and Bonnie will be home sooner than I expected. That’s great news! That also means I have work to do before they get home.


My sisters, brothers and I grew up on a farm out in the country. Living in that environment had its advantages. We had a big apple tree that shed its blossoms at times and a small back yard along with the pastures to roam around in or slide down in the winter time. We also had a big apple tree between the house and the barn. So when there was a apple pie to be made, we would pick the apples.

We also had a blackberry patch down in the pasture where the cows didn’t go. When we went to pick blackberries, we would have to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants so not to be pricked by the thorns. On a very hot day it could be and was very uncomfortable. It was worth it though when we had a piece of that blackberry pie hot from the oven. We had a wood stove then that was used  for heat, cooking and baking at that time.

There was this one big room upstairs that had a stovepipe coming up from downstairs. So that’s where my sisters and I slept during the winter time. We would move our beds, dressers and belongings in there every winter. When we didn’t spend our time in that room or  helping Mom; we would go sledding, make forts or angel wings. Our community would have a skating party on some farmer’s pond. We would have it at night after the farmers had their chores done.

Our church didn’t just have services, but parties and picnics too. When that wasn’t going on, there would be showers, weddings and hayrides or just meet at the town hall to get together. Often someone would have an anniversary or was moving away. We also had fairs to go to.

At holiday times like Thanksgiving and Christmas, we would have family gatherings, sometimes on Dad’s side and Mom’s side but not all at once; likewise for family reunions. We also had some quiet evenings at home. We didn’t have expensive toys like some kids do today. We did get toys and often new clothes for Christmas. What we may not have had, we used our imaginations to work with. We often went different places together as a family. Actually! I think we had just as much fun as kids do today.

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